Sunday, January 31, 2010

February Musings

It seems like January went by in the blink of an eye -- but February is always busy around here! 

There are a lot of winter babies in my family.  My daughter's birthday is 4 days after Valentine's Day.  This year she is having her first slumber party.  (I am so NOT ready for this yet!).   Well, the toe nail polish and munchies etc., is okay.  I just have to figure out what music and games....  I wish kids came with manuals that were updated with "new" models for each generation!  lol

Monday, January 18, 2010

Updating my sites....

Well, I have to update many of my sites and learn some new apps since Google Base/Merchant is not approving my feed.   I'm not sure when Etsy will be updating my feed for Google's its, "Hi-ho, hi-ho....Off to work I go!"

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bead Fest Wire Classes - so many yummy choices

My Bead Fest Wire emails are sooo enticing!!  The choice of classes are great and look estremely interesting!!  I could probably be taking classes all weekend - but I have to set a limit of only 2...

It's a tough choice!  But I LOVE it!  hahaha